The Integrated Telemetry Test Simulator is a test simulator consisting of a Signal Generation Unit (SGU) and a Bit synchronizer / Decommutator to validate the onboard Signal Conditioning and Processing Unit (SCP) & PCM encoder units. The SGU simulates multiple Analog channels like RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector), pressure, thermocouple, Strain Gauge, electrical, vibration and digital RS422 and MIL-STD-1553 channels. GUI interfaces with the signal generation unit via Ethernet port to generate simulated sensor outputs to the SCP unit. The conditioned and processed data from SCP unit is received and encoded by the PCM encoder into a predefined data format and the same is transmitted to the Decommutator unit. The Bit Synchronizer / Decommutator receives PCM Bit stream and decodes the data for all individual channels and displays it on the GUI. A tabular and graph comparison of the SGU inputs and Decommutator outputs is provided for validation. User friendly GUI is provided for easy interoperability, flexibility and configurability in a presentable manner. All the cards operate on +5V DC. The SGU unit is a standard 6U, 19 inch rack.
Integrated Telemetry Test Simulator: VTITTS